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Teaching Design一 教学课型阅读与表达(40分钟)二 教学思想作为一名初中英语教师,选取教材以外的真实、地道的语言材料进行课外阅读是孩子们汲取丰富营养的又一渠道,它意在培养学生的英语阅读能力,英语书面表达能力以及口语表达能力,同时又通过新颖的不同题材的文章来吸引学生的兴趣,这样就提高了学生学习英语的热情和主动性。在教学中,教师应把学生的阅读策略和阅读技能的培养放在首位。而且在阅读中,师生互动,生生互动,主要以学生为主,从而大大提高了学生的参与度,然后,教师还应该引导学生在书面表达中运用在阅读课中的语言知识的写作技巧和写作手法。同时在教学中通过我选取的语言材料进行人文素养教育,寓思想教育与语言教学之中,通过抢答,小组合作,等方式,培养学生自主、合作和探究的精神。三 教学目标1.掌握阅读理解的基本策略Skimming get the general idea和Scanning (get the details and summarize the passage)2.能够根据小故事叙述的情况,进行story retelling.3.通过学习文章,能够用简单的语言阐述从故事中懂得了什么道理。4.通过进一步理解文章,给文章续写一个结尾,从而提高学生的表达能力和逻辑推理能力。四 教学内容.教材内容 学生英语周刊八年级第三期 “The lion and the mouse”an article from Student Mail,Grade 8,Board Three.教材处理1.材料改编目标 本节课,我选取了学生英语周刊八年级版第三期的一篇小故事作为阅读材料。我根据对阅读材料的理解,紧扣主题,设计了导入、速读、细读,讨论与课堂口头表达等几个教学步骤,旨在通过这些课堂活动来帮助学生掌握阅读回答问题,概括文章,推理判断等能力,这样提高了学生的阅读能力和口语表达能力。2.展示给学生的语言材料Aesops Fables伊索寓言 The lion and the mouseA lion was awakened from sleep by a mouse running over his face.He got up,caught the mouse and was about to kill him.Then the mouse begged him and said,“If you choose not to kill me,I will be sure to repay your kindness.” The lion laughed and let him go.Shortly after this,the lion was caught by some hunters.They bound him by strong ropes.The mouse,hearing his roar,came and bit the rope with his teeth and set him free.He said,“You thought it impossible for a mouse like me to help you or save your life.Now you know that it is possible for even a mouse to help a lion.”u Step Skimmingread fast and answer the questions 1.Who are the main characters in the story2.Where do you think the story happened3.What happened to them in the storyu Step Scanning read again and summarize the story.Finish the summary of the story.A mouse ______ a lion up by running over his face.The lion caught the mouse and wanted to ______ him.The mouse begged the lion not to,and _______ that one day he would repay the lions ______.The lion _______ and let go the mouse.Later,some hunters caught the lion and bound him with strong ______.The mouse came to the lions rescue.He bit the rope and _______ the lion.Sometimes ,even a fierce lion needs the _______ of a small mouse.u Step Group Work Two heads are better than one.Lets watch the flash againWhat does this story tell us It tellsu Step Talk show Let your imagination fly,and continue to write our story.If you are a lion ,what do you want to say to the mouse and the animals in the forest What do you want to do next After reading,say something about how you should get on with others3.重点和难点重点 掌握阅读理解的阅读技巧和策略难点 围绕话题,进行口头和书面表达五 教学分析1.教学内容在知识体系中的作用本片寓言故事非常符合八年级学生的学习和认知水平,同时这篇语言材料所表述的内容的寓意更与学生的实际学习,人文素养的形成有着密切联系,除了能让学生掌握相应的阅读技能和技巧以外,也能启迪和净化孩子的心灵。更能通过这篇寓言故事的学习,激发学生的创造性思维,充分发挥学生的创造力和想象力。2.对学生学习能力的分析与预测所面对的八年级学生,有一部分的知识认知水平很高,绝大部分学生基本上能够理解文章的大意,只有一小部分阅读文章有一定的障碍,其中的主要原因,主要是自己缺乏自信心和好的学习习惯,在教学中只有少数学生参与课堂,较多的学生表现不积极,这样会降低课堂教学效果。3.教学手段和方法按照教学规律由简入繁,由易入难的原则,并借助有效的多媒体等教学载体的辅助,我采用了“ 热身导入速读全文细读全文小组讨论大胆展示共同学习”的六步教学法,同时在教学中充分利用图片,Flash观看动画,集体朗读,抢答等方式让学生在课堂上人人参与,大胆展示;及时鼓励学生的良好表现和参与度; 利用不同的教学方法和手段来丰富我的课堂教学,从而提高学生的参与热情。4.教学过程Step Lead in Show some pictures Talk about the relation of several kinds of different animals.Discuss the pictures with the students ,talk with each other freelyWhat are they doingHow do they get on with each otherWhen a lion meet a mouse one day,what will happen to themStep Presentation1.Simply present the three questions Purpose.Make the students read the whole article quickly and get the general idea.Who ; where ; what 2.Read the story again and summarize itStory retelling3.Watch the flash and complete the tasks.Purpose1.Improve the reading skill-skimming and describe the general idea of the story.2.Improve the reading skill-get details by scanning.Practice the ability of speaking and improve the ability of summarizing.3.Practice the reading skills-to pay attention to the details.Learn to think after reading the material.Step Discussion and tellingAfter finishing the reading,what does it tell usWe watched the The lion and the mouse,the story is so interesting the mouse has _____ the lion.This story taught me that the small can also be a great help,thats to say,the weak may help the _____ someday.Step Say and Write u Let your imagination fly,and continue to write our story.u OR If you are a lion ,what do you want to say to the mouse and the animals in the forest What do you want to do nextu After reading,say something about how you should get on with others Step Assignment请以Anyone may need others help someday 为题写一篇具有真情实感的英语短文,不要吝啬你的好心,去帮助需要帮助的弱小的人,也不要看不起他们,也许有一天你有困难的时候会从他们身上得到意想不到的回报,并谈一谈自己的感受。80-100 words
